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Ease Up Magazine

A collective entertainment magazine consisting of a passionate team and a desire to share art.


Talking sobriety and club culture with Eline Van Audenaerde

December 15, 2021

"I’m curious to see what my second year of sobriety brings, but there’s still so much to discover. I was excited to take people on that journey but in a gentle way."


Tall Heights foster hope with beautiful 'Raindrop'

November 30, 2021

"Although 'Raindrop' will surely set its own records, it’s not entirely groundbreaking. Tall Heights know what fans need to hear in an uncertain time, which is where the song comes in."


Mark Ambor celebrates social life with latest single ‘Company’

November 4, 2021

"The pandemic had a way of isolating everyone both physically and mentally; something Ambor touches on with grace." 


Shawn Mendes closes a difficult chapter with "It'll Be Okay"

December 3, 2021

"'It’ll Be Okay'” is not the singer’s first time coming clean with his inner demons. However, this latest single hits the hardest."


Adele’s ’30’ introduces a new chapter in her life

November 19, 2021

"30 sets apart from past albums as it’s liberating and celebrates freedom as a single mother. However, the album is plagued with lullabies and woes of loneliness."


AVIV goes for creativity with latest "Failed English"

December 1, 2021

"Not all of the singer’s songs are so upbeat, but “Failed English” parallels the sound of her singles “Black Coffee” and “Cookie Dough.” New listeners can find similarities with other bands like Calica, GRAE, and Wallice."


MCXX. Previews Sophomore Album With Single ‘Free Somewhere’

November 11, 2021

"In a recent press release, McKinney-Drew stated their upcoming album would build onto the theme of the human condition — love, regret, hope, and more."

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